Your ride or die team

Carly Pollack

Founder & Chief Executive Coach

I moved to Austin from New York escaping a bad break up. I knew Austin was an active, health conscious town so my cashew milk drinking, yoga pants wearing, nature loving self had a good chance of finding happiness. I thought it would only be for a year or two, after all I was a city girl at heart. After a few months, I was hired at Whole Foods Market and had the pleasure of piloting the first-ever nutrition consulting program for the company while working in the heart of downtown at the stunning corporate headquarters. After two years, I left and started Nutritional Wisdom in 2009. Austin started to feel more and more like home. Plus, my blood had thinned and I couldn’t return to the cold winters and pissed off cab drivers!

When I opened Nutritional Wisdom, I wanted to create a coaching environment where we didn’t just focus on the food. I know that permanent change begins in the mind, and I want clients to experience self development in addition to reaching their health goals.

What I created was a coaching system that included nutrition, science, spirituality, and psychology. Clients have long term success when coached through our program and you won’t find anything like it anywhere else!

If you want to learn more about my story, check out my website,

Laura Borinsky

Master Nutrition and Self Development Coach

Navigating the hustle of post-college life in New York City was like trying to surf a tsunami - exhausting, overwhelming, and careening dangerously close to burnout. I knew I needed to prioritize my health, but in the whirlwind of deadlines and demands, self-care often got lost in the shuffle.

Looking back, I always chuckle when I think about changed my life: I saw a health coach! After seeing how deeply she helped me to transform my life, I couldn’t go back. I went back to school to pursue and graduate with my Masters of Science in Clinical Nutrition from the Maryland University of Integrative Health. Eventually, I completed my 200-hour yoga teacher training certification and went through the health coach training program at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.

Now armed with a comprehensive understanding of both the art and science of wellness, I work with clients from all walks of life, addressing their diverse health concerns with empathy and expertise. My mission is simple yet profound: to guide individuals on a journey of transformation, one small, sustainable step at a time. Because when it comes to wellness, it's not about quick fixes or fad diets - it's about forging a path to lasting physical and mental wellbeing.

Lauren Butler

Master Nutrition and Self Development Coach

It would be an honor to be a part of your health journey because I saw what the right type of support did for me.

I started as a client at Nutritional Wisdom many years ago. I was struggling to find balance in a high-stress corporate lifestyle. I was eating out of alignment for my body type, struggled with hormonal and digestive issues, and was exercising way too much. I was trying to lose weight - you’d think moving more and eating less would work! We both know it’s not always that easy.

As a Master Nutrition Therapist as well as a Certified Nutrition Therapy Practitioner, I’ve supported hundreds of clients reach a diversity of goals. I want to help you enjoy the process whether you’re trying to change your weight, heal your gut, manage stress, or balance your hormones. I don’t believe "health" to be a final destination. This is a practice, and it takes work. I also believe we don’t have to take it too seriously and can have fun on the path to lifelong health.

I’ve spent years learning how to heal my body and mind, and I am passionate about helping others find the diet and lifestyle that works best for them. Health is a moving target throughout life as our bodies are ever changing, but my coaching style gives you the scientific, tactical, and spiritual tools needed to find that balance.

Jane Sampson

Business Operations

I started as a client with Nutritional Wisdom when I was pregnant with my oldest child. Now, he's a certified "big kid" (time flies)! In addition to motherhood, I have been a collegiate athlete and a massage therapist, so health and wellness have long been an important interest of mine.

I may be all alone here, but Math has 100% been my favorite subject in school! Lucky me -- my role in business operations perfectly marries my love for wellness and numbers. I provide the organizational underpinning and vision alignment to support Nutritional Wisdom and free the coaches to do what they do best, change your life!

I’m so grateful that I’ve found a home with this amazing team of intelligent, compassionate women where I can serve others on their path to a better life and learn in the process. If you’re reading this, I’m so happy you’ve found us! Invest in yourself, take a moment and call me. Let’s get you started on your path to success!