Success Stories that share how we're making a difference.
Maximize your effort. Get permanent results. Live in the body you deserve.

After many years of bad habits, diets, not really understanding myself, or trying to fix a problem with food or alcohol, I realized a lot of my insecurities were linked to my weight and my self esteem, and I was finally ready to dive in and see a nutritionist. I’m so happy I started seeing Lauren at Nutritional Wisdom in June 2016.
I was surprised I was able to follow through with the original detox, but it seemed I was finally mentally ready, and I was so happy to see the results on the scales. I started to feel a difference in energy and my body wasn’t constantly fighting me, I didn’t feel bloated or lethargic all the time. I cut my sugar and coffee consumption to virtually nothing and yet I still had plenty of energy to keep up with my 5 year old son.
For me it’s still an ongoing journey, and I’m learning new things everyday. I wouldn’t say I’m “cured”, but I’m starting to see what works for me and what I’m able to follow through with, and when I need to pull in the reigns a bit…
I still eat too fast, and I haven’t started meditating yet, but I’m so happy with my 27lb weight loss and I’m excited to turn 35 this month with a better understanding and respect for my body… Thank you Lauren for helping me throughout this journey!
– Valentina D.
Working with Lauren was one of the best and most fun things we did leading up to our wedding.
We always looked forward to our visits and quickly realized that not only was she NOT the enemy, but she wanted to make improving our nutrition as easy and natural as possible for us. Of course it helped us look great for the wedding, but Lauren taught us how to make improved nutrition part of our lifestyle with only small adjustments to our day-to-day. The food recipes and nutrition tips were great but Lauren's support and expertise was the reason we kept coming back and why we are looking and feeling better than ever!
– Erin and James R.
Carly’s programming is a no-nonsense approach to food that freed me from incessant calories tracking and overly restrictive rules and allowed me to enjoy the food I was eating all while fueling my body with wholesome, nutritious foods.
When I first started working with Carly I had been struggling with hypothyroidism and the symptoms that go along with it—weight gain, fatigue, and general malaise—for years. Although my thyroid levels tested normal with medication, my symptoms persisted. After a lot of research, I decided it was time for a more holistic approach to see if I could feel better by making some changes to my diet and lifestyle. On my first visit, Carly was super positive and encouraging. She made me feel supported and empowered to take control of my diet to achieve my goals.
Carly’s programming is a no-nonsense approach to food that freed me from incessant calories tracking and overly restrictive rules and allowed me to enjoy the food I was eating all while fueling my body with wholesome, nutritious foods. Her guidelines are easy to follow and implement, which is really the key to setting yourself up for success.
Since I started working with Carly about 9 months ago, I have seen dramatic changes in my body. My hypothyroid symptoms are GONE, my thyroid meds have been reduced by over half, I have lost weight, I sleep better, and I feel like my old self again.
I came to Carly for nutrition advice, but she’s given me more than that. Carly’s insight into why and how people struggle with diet, exercise, and self-image has provided me with powerful tools to implement lasting change in how I care for my body.
Go see her. You will not regret this investment in yourself!
– Stephanie DeBrow
To say that going through this process has changed my life is an understatement.
She has been absolutely incredible to work with and has taught me so much, not just about food, but about life and myself as well. I have never felt better or had more energy in my life, and I have never had so much control over the choices I make, both nutritionally and in life in general. She has helped me understand the why, and has helped change my perspective immensely. If you're on the fence about working with the team at Nutritional Wisdom, you can have confidence that they will help you make profound, lasting change in your life. Thank you so much!!!
– Preston
Your wisdom and your no-bullshit approach held my feet to the fire. You have broken it down in a way that I'm able to really address it on a very deep level. I could not deny the truths that I found and have been seeking for a very long time!
I can bring all of my wisdom into my connection with other people and support them with love and understanding, but when it comes to expressing and moving through my own emotions, I am on an island with what feels like no tools. No clue. It's as if I have a secret locked door where my emotions hideout that I have not been able to locate. Until your coaching!
Well, guess where I found it? In my love and addiction for food. In the space between where I decide that I want to eat and what I eat.
As soon as I began putting some of your practices into my eating behaviors so much emotional baggage just started flying out. I cried all the way through the two months of group coaching calls. I have stuffed so much in so many food-centric dysfunctional behaviors. I've addressed I would say 99.9% of this baggage in my 12-step program, therapy, self-help books, all the self-care healing things. But I hid and suppressed the actual feeling of the authentic emotion behind much of it in my eating behaviors.
I'm a nutritionist and I know how and what to eat. I still learned a lot about this from your group coaching. I have had success with achieving better physical health through eating but I struggle with long-term consistent healthy eating. I get on a roll and eventually fall off. This has brought me a lot of shame because I do have a bachelor's degree in nutrition.
I am no longer attached to that story any longer, thanks to your wisdom. I am "feeling" my life and it's so freeing on so many levels. I've lost weight and I'm sure that will continue. I'm focused on what I am feeling, what's the story or dialogue behind the feeling and what's the reframe if needed. I am getting to know and understand myself a lot more these days. Thank you so much!
– Trevida

Lauren has completely changed the way I think about food and my health.
Before I started seeing Lauren I had spent the last 10 years struggling to lose weight and keep it off. I would always have some minor success in losing weight but would immediately put it back on after I gave up on whatever diet or routine I had. Not only has she helped me lose weight but more importantly I’ve developed a ton of new skills and habits that will stick with me for years.
I started seeing Lauren after I had pretty major surgery a couple years ago. I had to completely start over and figure out what I could or couldn’t eat. The first 6 months I spent with Lauren, we really just focused on developing new habits and fixing old ones. I immediately felt like a million bucks as soon as we made some pretty major changes to my diet. It was the best I had felt in years, especially since my surgery.
Since then, I have only continued to improve and change my entire lifestyle. I almost never cooked and was constantly picking up food for almost every meal. Now it has become a rarity if I do eat out, minus treats or special occasions. I’m cooking all the time and bring my lunch to work almost every day. It continues to amaze me how I used to live my life before seeing Lauren.
– Paul R.
My experience with Lauren and the Nutritional Wisdom team has been remarkable.
Throughout my journey Lauren has taught me so many healthier alternatives to taking care of my body. I love how important it is to practice self-compassion as well as nutrition. I no longer feel a need to point out "imperfections" that I thought I had. I'm very happy and proud with losing 20 pounds through Nutritional Wisdom so far and couldn't have done it without them!
– Carlos C.
When I walked into Nutritional Wisdom I was looking for someone to get me out of an unhealthy rut. When I walked out after my first hour-long consultation, I KNEW I could make the changes I needed to.
There's something that left NO doubt in my mind that I could get past all of the obstacles I thought were in front of me. My coach was warm and knowledgeable and genuine in wanting better health for her clients. She was so engaged in hearing my story and what pieces of her knowledge would make my life better. I wasn't super interested in testing and supplements and she completely understood that. She made what I thought was a monumental task feel very achievable! I went back for my second visit and we discussed my "program" going forward. Again, very much a back and forth as we decided what would fit best for my lifestyle. After 10 days, I went again for my check-in. I felt fantastic. I had started to shed some very unwanted pounds, but even better-- I just felt great! Clear-headed, sleeping well, no crazy cravings.... Now it's 60 days later and I'm "all in". I feel better than I have in years. I've lost a lot of weight. I can feel my brain and body being nourished and recharged! Thank you!!
– Elizabeth
As most of us do, I made a New Year’s resolution to lose weight.
Since this seems to be a continuous challenge for me, I thought that I would try a different approach. If I started an exercise program, I wouldn’t have to think about the weight. After all, I was a lifetime, stagnant Weight Watcher’s member. So, I signed up for a running class. Well, I thought I was going to die after the first easy run of less than 1 mile (I swear it was 10 miles though). Some of you may know that an easy run is at a pace where you can talk and converse with other runners. How can you run and breathe, let alone talk? But, I was committed. So, I continued on. Then one day, this energetic nutritionist gave a free presentation to the new runners about nutrition 101. Sounded like something interesting. Although, in my mind, I was a pro and had been down the diet path before so what could I learn? I have counted points and had a doc tell me that I just needed to push away from the table and move more. GRRRRR!
Then, Carly started discussing poop! What??? Was she talking to me? How did she know that I didn’t poop every day? I wanted to learn more about this holistic approach. So, I set up an appointment. That is all it took….I was hooked because after getting over the fact that I knew I had a brain tumor when giving up caffeine for the 1st ten days, I felt better!!! I mean, I feel GREAT! I have energy. I am not starving. My headaches are gone. My dry skin is gone and much more. It was a holistic approach for me. Folks started to notice…even Carly who said she didn’t think I was overweight. I wasn’t overweight, I was under fit nutritionally and undereducated. I thought about food in the wrong way. I am 5’9” tall (although men swear I am at least 6’) and when I get a little leaner, folks think that I got a new outfit or washed my hair. I had to buy smaller clothes (DARN). Someone the other day said that I look younger now than I did 15 years ago. Another said that I look like a model. I look at food differently. I have run two ½ marathons and I poop everyday! Thank you, Carly, for teaching me how to have a lifestyle change and quit dieting! You got in my head and I love you for it! I am still learning and make mistakes as I still eat popcorn and started drinking coffee again (sorry, Carly).
– Deb

I have tried a ton of diets but I have never gotten as far as I have gotten with Lauren! She has made "lifestyle change" a reality and not just a dream.
Before I met Lauren, I was constantly struggling to manage my weight mainly in my thighs and stomach region. I was very insecure about how I looked in every outfit and I was always comparing myself to others. I never really listened to my body whenever I was eating and had no self-control whatsoever. I knew that I needed to eat better and work out more because I was a health major in college but I could never stay on track with any diet fads I would set myself up for. This made me frustrated all the time and I was constantly putting myself down for eating an entire pizza or downing an entire bag of chips without realizing it. I never understood what I was doing wrong because I was good at eating moderately healthy meals. The first time I met Lauren was probably one of the best days of my life. I was explaining to her how I was feeling of anxious, exhausted from sleep difficulties, fatigue, and focus issues. She was immediately able to figure out where all these symptoms were coming from and she said to me, “I know just where to start. I will help get you on the right track.” I could have cried right then because finally I had found somebody who understood what I was going through and could clearly help me get through it. Now 6 months later, I am very aware of how food affects my body and I have a more positive tone toward myself. My cravings have decreased, I am less anxious, and I have more energy! My weight loss has been a slow process but I have been gathering the tools to continue to lose weight and keep it off. This is a lifelong process that I will constantly be learning from and I am so glad I have Lauren to help guide me down the right path. She is so relatable and funny which makes this process way easier to go through.
– Emily L.
I have spent most of my life feeling disconnected from my body, fluctuating within a 60-lb. range without feeling much control over the process.
I have spent most of my life feeling disconnected from my body, fluctuating within a 60-lb. range without feeling much control over the process. I am tall and muscular, so I can hide alot more than people think. I have completed two marathons and one triathlon with this bloated body, so we had a few shining moments in there. It's clear to me that I do things on my own timeline. I got my bachelor's degree in my 30's, got married (and divorced) in my 40's, and I decided to stop living a sub-par life with a sub-par body in my 50's. That's what got me (back) to Carly.
I first discovered Carly two years ago. I went through the 10-day detox, worked at feeling fabulous for about a month, got nervous about the positive life shift, and stopped. Actually, I had learned I was about to lose my job, but the point is that I opted for back-to-struggling-and-sub-par and away-from-fabulous. What was different about this time was that I was willing to do whatever it took to claim my strong body and vigorous health. I didn't care that it would take time and money and focus. I was tired of being scared and uncomfortable and pissed off at limiting myself physically, mentally and spiritually. First I joined Toastmasters and then I called Carly.
To be successful, I need the combination of in-depth nutritional counseling and steady life coaching combined with nifty graphs showing my lean body mass and water weight. I need the Candida Eliminating Protocol and the cord-cutting ceremony. I need the handwritten notes from Carly reminding me to "choose your thoughts!," "mind is excellent servant/horrible master," and "get back in alignment -> gratitude."
Today, I chose an apple and peanut butter for my snack, a power walk along Lady Bird Lake during lunch, and a heart-to-heart with my teenage son instead of working for an hour this evening. It's all a balancing act. The difference in my life now is that I make consistently more positive choices and feel consistently better about myself as a result. I've gone from 206 lbs. in October to 166 lbs. today, and I'm still going for more. My skin is bright, I haven't had a migraine since September, and I have these wonderful arm muscles starting to pop out. I wonder how much time I could shave off the next marathon if I have a BMI of 23. I may just find out.
– Maria
I had shingles at least 4 different times in 3 years and sore throats constantly.
Lauren seriously rocks! I started seeing her about 12 months ago. Her guidance has completely changed my life for the better. A few years back, my health started deteriorating on me. However, once I started seeing Lauren, I started thinking differently about what foods I used to fuel my body. Also, my overall health and energy improved dramatically. I haven’t ever had shingles again since meeting Lauren! She has provided me with the tools to create a positive change in my life, for which I am eternally grateful!
– Cindy S.

Turns out, not a lot of solo photos of me a few years back - not a lot of photos of me in general - even on vacation in Ireland and almost all from the chest up.
Also, looking for old photos - holy rollercoaster of weight and health! Up down, Up down, Up down - that's a little whacky. So, this photo was one of many attempts to "get healthy" - aka punish myself with exercise (I hate running, it's literally THE WORST) this was taken the year after my divorce so - 2013 - then I drop out of photos all together from 2014-2016 - there are a few of my head floating behind people in group shots here and there. I finally start reappearing this year.
I've always thought of myself as "healthy" - I've always enjoyed exercise and was a modest attendee at the gym, I went more often then most of my peers and I've always ben fairly strong, so by comparison I was rocking it. I also like fruits and vegetables and don't drink soda or smoke. I don't have a sweet tooth so I wasn't regularly consuming pints of ice cream or sucking down a bag of cookies. Healthy, right? I was however, constantly sick and my weight kept going up and down like crazy. So in 2016, after my 3rd round of antibiotics in a year for an upper respiratory infection I decided enough was a enough. I signed up for a January 2017 start with Lauren.
Lauren helped me realized that knowledge about food or food intolerances wasn't really my issue - I had a lifestyle problem. Through working with Lauren, I've been able to slow down, start saying "no", stop binging on chips & salsa at Mexican restaurants and start resting more. She helped me with strategies for eating well on the go and for making time for self-care. She helped me sneak in more veggies and start cutting out the "little treats" that were really adding up. I have dropped some weight, but my real success is that I've stopped the yo-yo, stopped the chronic respiratory infections and started thinking about food and my life from a place of abundance. My moods have evened out and I'm so much more in tune with what my body needs now.
My work with Lauren has even inspired me to shift my career to align with my new passion for a life in tune with my body. I've traded in late nights for morning yoga sessions, half a pot of coffee just to wake up for matcha lattes loaded with adaptogens and lazy cheats at Jimmy Johns for grab-and-go options I always keep on hand.
I have more energy and feel so much calmer and aware of my body. Even when I do catch a bug, I'm able to recovery much more quickly. My workouts have improved and my zest for my own life has kicked up a notch. I'm now prioritizing myself and my health, which has allowed everything else to fall into place.
– Megan H.
You became my life coach, not my nutritionist and I truly do not know where I would be without you!
Carly, I want to say thank you so much for helping me on my journey!! My time with you was so important to me. I went to see you for help with diet and nutrition and what I took away is my diet and nutrition were pretty spot on...it was my emotional and spiritual health that were in the dumps. You gave me what I needed, which sometimes was just the truth to be thrown back at me. You became my life coach, not my nutritionist and I truly do not know where I would be without you! Thank you for everything you have done for me! With all my heart, thank you!!!
– Dedrah Ginn

I have struggled with my body image since childhood.
I was never obese but a cute, chubby, curvy, proportionally overweight... all words used by others to define my body. I hate to admit they all got to me as well. I have tried dieting and exercise on and off for many years. However I had never shaken off using food as a safe haven for dismissing whatever was bothering me at the time. In 2015, I decided to make a change and take back control of this situation. I knew that I not only owed it to myself to make permanent change but also had to set an example for my 5-year old daughter. That's when I booked my first appointment with Carly. From the first time I met her, she won my heart and mind as a no-nonsense, compassionate and funny guide for me in this journey. This is no easy task as I have a very low threshold for bullshit and being an engineer I question everything. I liked her approach of supporting me scientifically as well as psychologically. The latter piece has been missing in my previous endeavors in losing weight. Within the detox period, I lost 9 pounds. That was not the only thing that kept me motivated though. Within a couple days of starting the detox, I noticed that my energy level increased dramatically. I am happy to report that I lost close to 50 pounds since starting to see Carly. More importantly, I am happier, healthier and more confident. I hope I am also being a good role model for my kid so she does not have to struggle with the same issues I did. Is the struggle over? Hardly... that's one thing I gained a better perspective on. You have to constantly work on your relationship with yourself. Good news is that Carly is there to help you, guide you and make you laugh during the process. I would not be exaggerating (see low threshold for bullshit) when I say Carly helped me win my life back. Thank you Carly and Nutritional Wisdom Family!
– Zehra F.
Before starting your program, I had a seriously problematic relationship with food
To me, food was a scary thing, I fell into a pattern of underrating, liking the way that I looked (after having issues with body image in the past, needless to say, it was unhealthy), and continuing to feel like crap (because my body was not being nourished correctly). I never got to a dangerously low weight, but I definitely didn't look healthy. Going on to a college dining plan also didn't help, because a lot of the food was pretty bad on campus, which was just another excuse not to eat it…I fell in and out of that dangerous under-eating when I was at school for the first couple of semesters, but then I met with you. After meeting with you for the first time, and learning my own body composition, I wanted to make sure to shift it into a stronger body, I was weaker then. Since getting a comprehensive view of which foods I should be putting into my body, I had a much better understanding of what my body needs to stay nourished in the best way possible. The detox allowed me to feel so amazing and showed me exactly how my body should feel, so then as I ate other things beyond that I was able to sense how those actually made me feel. Going back to school for my last semester on meal-plan, I was much better equipped to pick and choose the foods that were healthiest and nourishing to me. You have been so inspiring to me to have a great relationship with food, and given me great techniques with the maintenance plan as far as not being insane and too hard on myself, allowing myself to indulge, and knowing when I've gone overboard for the future, but still enjoying food and how good food makes me feel! Since then I have lost fat and eat regular full meals a day with snacks, and just have that fear of food quelled completely. I have a great love for nourishing food now, and most importantly can enjoy how I feel in my own body! Thank you so much for giving me that Carly, it is so amazing to feel this good with myself.
– Brenna
I never considered myself the kind of person who "needed" a nutritionist. I saw myself as a relatively healthy person at a weight I was ok with and digestive and skin issues that I had settled on being a part of who I was. And then I found Lauren.
It took me an entire year after meeting her to make an appointment, but after throwing Tums and yogurt at my digestive issues, and pills and harsh creams at my skin, I realized I needed a new approach. I was so tired of doctors listening to me for 5 minutes, writing a prescription, and sending me out the door.
In Lauren, I've found the complete opposite. My entire first session, she spent listening, and from then on, she took a personalized approach to get me to a state of health that I didn't know existed. Not only are we on a path to finding a natural way to solve the problems I came in for, but Lauren has taught me how to think holistically about my health.
I wake up feeling energized, I've lost weight that I did not plan on losing, and I crave foods that are good for me. Lauren approaches problems realistically and explains the science behind her solutions. She is the ally in my health that I've been in need of for so long, and I couldn't be more excited to keep working with her.”
– Greta R.

I've struggled with my weight for most of my life. I've always been able to motivate to make myself work out, but I never been great about my nutrition.
I was never able to make any lasting headway because I always chose all of the wrong foods. Last December, I finally decided to do something about it. I needed to be accountable to someone else to keep me on track. After seeing a Facebook ad, I contacted Nutritional Wisdom and found Lauren. Through Lauren's guidance, I managed to turn my nutrition around and make better choices. In the first four months, I managed to drop 44 pounds and I am still working at losing more. While it was great to lose the weight, my body also feels better and healthier than ever before.
I wanted to be my best self by the time I turned 30, and I'm well on my way to reaching my goal, thanks in large part to Lauren. Working with Lauren has been amazing for me. She is my nutritionist, my life coach, my therapist and my friend throughout all of this. Together, we not only work on my nutrition, but also work through my stresses, anxiety and other problems that impact me and my overall health. After just four months, I not only feel physically better, but I feel better in almost every way. I truly appreciate all of Lauren's guidance, support, encouragement and friendship over the last few months and cannot wait to see what we continue to do.
– Kara M.
I'm Doug, and for all of my life, I've been overweight.
After my wife and I discussed our future, the issue of my weight came up. Obesity leads to a number of health risks, and we decided this needed to be fixed once and for all. I searched Yelp for a nutritionist, saw Carly's excellent ratings, and decided to give her a shot.
At first, my goal was to "get skinny" (whatever that meant), but Carly has taught me that it's about being healthy via diet and exercise so that I can have a long life with my family, both present and unborn. I still plan on getting skinny in the process though! Not only that, she's taught me that eating isn't just physical - it's mental. Mind games! She's helped me come to terms with the pain that I have suffered all of my life due to my weight, and she is still helping me confront my fears of failure today. She has also pointed out to me things that just aren't true, such as "It's Thanksgiving - you have to overeat!" and "You've had a bad day - you have an excuse to eat fried chicken even though you don't have any free meals left!". She has really dug deep into my mind (poor girl) and revealed things to me I didn't even know were going on. I didn't expect to get all that with just a nutritionist! ...but then again, Carly isn't "just a nutritionist" in my book.
My progress thus far: I started to turn my life completely at the beginning of May 2012. On May 1st, I weighed in at almost 280 lbs. Today, I weigh 225 (goal: TBD. At most 200). I went from an XXL shirt size to an XL (goal: L with muscles), and a waist size of 42 to 36 (goal: TBD. At most 34). I've made the transition from large clothes to small clothes in my closet, wearing clothes I've never worn before. I've also donated old large clothes. I liked them, but not enough to gain the weight back. I'm still losing, thanks to the immense knowledge Carly has shared with me. I wouldn't be anywhere close to my goals without her and her support.
– Doug
Before going to Nutritional Wisdom I was incredibly frustrated with my weight.
I ate healthy, trained intensely, and competed in speed skating and running yet I still could not seem to lose any weight. Finally I was at the point where I was willing to try anything to take the weight off and scheduled an appointment with Nutritional Wisdom. That turned out to be the best thing I could have done. Carly not only helped me address the issues that were preventing me from losing the weight I needed but she helped me find how to eat healthy specifically for my body. It's been almost 2 years since that first appointment. Since that time not only have I been able to keep my weight under control I directly contribute my weight loss as a major factor in medaling at the United States Roller Sports National Speed Skating Championships.
– Melissa
My fitness trainer recommended Carly's services when I reached a point of not being able to lose weight, no matter how hard I trained.
In addition to this, I was also having sleeping issues, heartburn with any/all foods, and a general lack of energy. With Carly's help, I was able to learn how important your diet is to your overall health and well being. As soon as she pointed out what was happening and structured a plan, I was all in. As soon as I finished the 10-day detox program, I not only dropped 9 pounds of fat, but I also began sleeping 8 hours a night, something I had not done in 3 years. Following her direction and now eating to my metabolic type, I was able to drop another 11 pounds in a short time to get from the 200s to the 180s. Over time, I reached a plateau and struggled to maintain the weight I had lost. Working with Carly, and making the commitment to cut my fat intake and cut out alcohol, helped me break out of my plateau and reach my new weight of 165, which I have been able to maintain.
In my time with Carly, I've learned how to limit sugar and make my body burn fat, what causes cravings and how to keep them at bay, eat to my metabolic type, and learn which foods have a positive/negative effect on me. The knowledge she has shared has also motivated me to research on my own to help maintain and improve my diet.
Carly, thank you for your dedication, motivation, and time. I'm happy to say that I will begin my 40s in excellent health.
– Victor
I think back fondly on my conversations with Lauren.
I feel I'm on a journey to better health and happiness. I've always loved food but now I understand how my diet influences my overall well being both physically and mentally. My diet has become second nature to me more more and more everyday and I've had an opportunity to try some great new tasty recipes. Even in a time of a lot of change I continue to feel grounded and at peace with the skills and tools I learned from Lauren. A big thank you for helping me start this existing journey."
– Celine
I just wanted to say thank you for working with me!
Even though I know we will accomplish much more in the coming months, I thought you should know how I feel. This is the thinest and healthiest I've ever been as an adult. I have the same pant size I had my senior year of high school (and I thought I was skinny then!). This is a photo from last night. I bought this dress (which I would have never bought 3 months ago) for my fiancé's law firm Christmas party. I felt amazing and confident. Thanks for everything you've done! You're turning me into an even more confident woman and I am very grateful for that!
– Jen
It’s been one of the biggest blessings in my life that I somehow, so randomly, decided to meet with you! J I can’t express how happy I am with the positive changes I am feeling/seeing as a result of following your nutritional advice.
I really want to fill you in on what’s been happening since we last met. So here is a ‘status update’ e-mail of thoughts I wanted to share with you.
The most beneficial change (which I didn’t even anticipate) is SLEEP! Since I can remember, I have always had trouble falling asleep. It used to take me at least ½ hour to fall asleep, even if I felt exhausted. NOW, I don’t even remember when I fell asleep after I get into bed. I have got into a good routine of getting into bed at 10pm and sleeping by about 10.30pm. I don’t even need to set my alarm anymore. My eyes automatically open at ~6.30am every day. I used to have to hit snooze around 4-5 times to get out of bed before 8am. But now I feel ready to face the day upon awakening, and without the desperate need for caffeine to start my day.
The added benefits of this are
1) Reduced anxiety. That time spent tossing and turning in bed was when all the worries about the future and regrets about the past would go round and round in my head. I don’t to endure those horrible, restless hours anymore. I feel much less anxious than I used to.
2) I don’t have to rush around in the morning, so I start my day of calmer. This improves the time spent with my son in the morning, getting him ready for school (I don’t shout at him to hurry up and get so stressed at him.....or stressed at my husband who is still sleeping in!)
3) Have more energy during the day.
I AM seeing my skin clear up (yay!!) which was one of my main goals. It’s not completely solved yet, but I remember you said it could take 6 months. I am not getting breakouts as often, and when I do get the odd breakout it is not as angrily ‘inflammed’ and the skin heals a lot quicker. The scars (hyperpigmentation) is still there from the previous breakouts, but hopefully the damaged skin will be replaced by new skin soon. I am not spending the $100s of dollars on facials and beauty products out of desperation to fix my skin…but instead am using those $s to buy all the yummy healthy food I now eat. J
The other main goal I had was the bloating. As mentioned to you in our last meeting, the bloating did go away during the initial detox phase, which was amazing! However, the bloating has come back recently, although usually not as bad, maybe 2-3 days out of the week, even when I don’t have a ‘free meal’. I think it may be due to one of the items that I ‘re-introduced’ after detox – maybe the rice or oatmeal? I’ll keep monitoring, and perhaps start the food diary again to figure out what could be causing it.
One of the biggest ‘lifestyle’ changes for me practically has been spending more time preparing and cooking meals. It was one of the things I literally put minimal effort in my life, just because I was busy with everything else (work, child, cleaning), and ‘something had to give’. I felt that in the hours spent cooking I could instead complete 3-4 other chores…therefore time/effort v. benefit didn’t seem worth it. I do spend a lot more hours in the kitchen (I would say from about 3 hours a week to 15 hours a week), but I am for the first time in my life enjoying putting some effort into making food, and actually enjoying the food I make. I see it as a sort of adventure to see what I can make, within the restrictions of the diet, but still be delicious to eat (as well as healthy).
I don’t get constant cravings for sweets like I used to. But I DO get hungry quite a bit, especially in the space between breakfast and lunch, and after lunch. I think I am not really sticking to the portion sizes and number of snacks (having more than I should), so that is something that maybe we can watch in case it has affected the body comp (gained fat?).
Don’t feel the need as often for a coffee/tea to give me a boost of energy. I do however feel a little ‘foggy headed’ or low energy usually after breakfast or lunch time, and in the past I would have automatically had some caffeine at that point. The low energy feeling is nowhere near as intense as it used to be or as frequent. I think this is probably due to blood sugar dropping? So I try and get the energy boost from a nutritious snack instead.
Anyway, I know there’s more I need to tell you (and many questions to ask you) when I see you next, but in the meantime I just wanted to let you know that things are going well. I’m able to stick with your plan without too much trouble and am generally a happier & healthier person because of it. So THANK YOU Carly!!
– Munira
I arrived at Nutritional Wisdom feeling defeated and stressed out as I had been working for over a year to lose the weight from my 5th baby and nothing was working.
Lauren quickly put my mind at ease and developed a plan specifically for me and my body. I started seeing results instantly. It wasn't drastic or hard. We went back to basics. Over the next 6 months, we went so much deeper than "losing weight". We dug into the mental part of it which was huge for me. After struggling with binge eating since I was in my teens, I was able to conquer that almost completely, using the tools Lauren armed me with each week. Anytime I was frustrated or confused she had a logical explanation or solution. I will forever be grateful to Lauren for getting me "unstuck" and completely changing my relationship with food!
– Jenna
I LOVE LOVE LOVE working with Lauren at Nutritional Wisdom.
I started coming here to find out what my specific body thrives on, nutritionally. I was so tired of the guess work and the fad healthy food trends. I still have a ways to go, and nutrition is a lifelong journey, but with Lauren as a peer and guide I feel way more confident in my everyday actions and choices.
She never makes me feel bad about my habits and she rejoices when I follow through with our plans. We make the plans together, it's not a lecture or a motivational speech. I love her chill style and calm demeanor. It really suits me.
I am so excited with my progress so far and eager to continue down this path toward confident and easy healthy living. Health and wellness doesn't have to be a struggle and you can build it one little piece at a time. Highly recommend if you feel lost or unsure in your daily wellness - get some clarity and kindness from these amazing ladies!
– Kaci
Um, THANKS A LOT, Lauren. We haven't even been working together for 2 months yet and I already have to restock all of my favorite clothing staples in the next size down!!!
Seriously, though, I am totally blown away by how good I feel and how inspiring this whole process has been so far. And I realize this is just the beginning! I'm so grateful to have found Nutritional Wisdom. I feel confident that I will not only conquer the holidays, but also look and feel amazing for my wedding in the spring (and BEYOND), thanks to your continued support & guidance. My advice to folks on the fence: Go see these ladies ASAP, your life & health will never be the same in the greatest possible way
– Caitlin
Working with Carly at Nutritional Wisdom has had a profoundly positive impact on my life. Carly is intuitive, smart, practical, creative and all around great at her job. She's also kind of bawdy and hilarious which makes the whole process a lot more fun.
As soon as we started working together she gave me specific tools and techniques to help me eat and live better while traveling (as a traveling musician I'm away from home about 80% of the time). My physical health, energy levels and mental attitude have all improved drastically since I started working with Carly and I can't imagine where I would be without her. Thanks to the whole Nutritional Wisdom team! xo.
– Rebecca Loebe
Carly helped my husband and me understand the foods we should be eating for our body types which led me to lose over 25 pounds!
Every time we would come in, it was like getting together with an old friend! Love Carly!
– Chrysty
When I first met Carly, I thought she'd help me with food to find a way out of my long-time digestive struggles.
I've worked with multiple gastroenterologists and naturopaths, as well as have a fairly strong personal interest in healthy eating and new initiatives to improve health.
But what I got from Carly was so much more: an opportunity to reimagine myself, change the story about who I am and deepen my connection to the world and everyone I meet. Carly helped me understand the depths of the mind-body connection, and has helped me from thinking of myself as a lifelong "sick" person to someone who can be healthy and thriving. Her teachings opened the door to a new sphere of wellness that I had previously undiscovered, and led me on the spiritual journey that I think many people today are unwittingly searching for as formal religion is less a part of our lives, but we still need opportunities to care for our soul and higher selves.
Ultimately my stomach woes have reduced tremendously, and I've found a sense of balance to my generally controlling-leaning and fear-based approach to food. I'm so whole-heartedly grateful for her teachings and can't recommend Nutritional Wisdom highly enough.
– Laura C.
My partner and I worked with Lauren for almost nine months. She was truly wonderful and we always looked forward to seeing her.
I already knew a fair bit about nutrition and was more interested in the mental components of food choices (emotional eating). I learned a lot about myself and my relationships with food and even people. This experience has set me up with a solid foundation for nutrition, self love and self compassion. I can't believe I am saying this as a native Austinite but I don't really like queso anymore and am always looking to add greens to ALL of my meals...CRAZY. I highly recommend Lauren if you are looking to work on nutrition and your relationship with food. She was always attentive and never shamed me if I didn't do exactly what she said. She understands everyone's needs and experiences are different and had a plethora of ideas to help you reach your goals.
– Iz
When I met Carly I was overweight, tired, stressed and suffered from horrible PMS. I felt hopeless that I would ever lose the weight, but she came so highly recommended that I figured I had to try. This was a life-changing decision.
Carly's Wisdom spans so far beyond the science of nutrition and balancing the hormones. She is the guru of food therapy. I have completely healed my relationship with food. I don't feel like I'm on a diet even though I have specific guidelines that I love following!!!
I've lost the weight (for the last time) and I have so many spiritual tools to control the voice in my head when it comes to stress and food. The last 6 months with Carly have changed my life. I didn't realize that the main goal was peace of mind and happiness and that the weight loss was a welcomed side effect. She, Lauren and the entire Nutritional Wisdom team are amazing.
– Maria
I want to say thank you so much for helping me on my journey!! My time with you was so important to me. I went to see you out of fear...I was scared...it was a wake-up call for me and I know I needed help and I wasn't getting that from the doctors.
I went to you for help with diet, nutrition and to get back on the right path. And what I took away is my diet and nutrition were pretty spot on...it was my emotional and spiritual health that was in the dumps. You gave me what I needed..which sometimes was just the truth to be thrown back at me...you became my life coach, not my nutritionist and I truly do not know where I would be without you! Thank you for everything you have done for me!
With all my heart, thank you!!!
Yall if you are needing help with diet, nutrition, overall health...Carly and team are exactly what you need!!!
– Dedrah
My boyfriend and I went to get more knowledge on healthy eating habits and long term health advice.
We did the wellness restart program which included a 10day detox. We both lost about 5lbs each during the 10 days and have kept it off and continue to lose more. We have a better idea on well rounded eating habits and knowledge on what types of foods do and do not work best for us. She was able to answer any question we had for her and was genuinely interested in getting to know us and our progress along the way. I highly recommend visiting Nutritional Wisdom!
– Meghan
I wish I'd gone in ages ago.
I'll start with what you need to know: before you see Lauren at Nutritional Wisdom, you'll fill out a comprehensive questionnaire so your next steps can factor in everything about you. The plan she developed for me included food and exercise (duh) but also meditation, sleep, and reading to help me shift my thinking in healthy ways. Don't like to take supplements? I don't either, and none were forced on me. Don't care to snack between meals? Nbd, just make sure you're staying within portion size and eating your vegetables. Firmly anti-fasting? Lauren's cool with that. If you have a different answer than I do to any of those questions, she's equipped to build that into your plan, too. Her goal is to empower you to make a shift and guide your own health, so you can stay with it for the long haul.
I came to Nutritional Wisdom after a really horrible year. Three months of disabling symptoms from some undiagnosed malady left me a different person, and all my doctor could really do was shrug--the worst of it was over before tests uncovered anything. I was overweight and sluggish from inactivity, stress and (though I didn't know it) inflammation. Eating habits and an exercise regimen that once served me now yielded no results. I felt foggy and my joints were stiff and pained during the months I tried to will myself into being better. When I finally decided to see if someone could help me more than my doctor had, I found myself crying in Lauren's office realizing just how awful and despondent I felt.
Within days I felt like a different person. My ten day detox diet uncovered some food sensitivities, and the helpful advice around sleep, meditation, and suggested reading also helped me make giant strides quickly. Our relationships to food, our bodies, the challenges that get in the way of our health--these are very emotional, and on top of the practical advice I received, Lauren's been an approachable, empathetic listener who validated my pain in a way that not even one medical professional attempted. It felt like my fault, like I should have worked harder to get better, or even worse, it felt like maybe my experience wasn't real. What if I was just being lazy and cheerless? The most important thing Lauren's given me was a human response built into a practical one. She let me know taking care of myself by resting or alleviating challenges can be better than trying to punish myself into wellness. She believed my pain was real and helped me find ways to ease it. Anyway, I feel great and I lost 16 pounds in three months since my first visit. Plus all of my pain is gone and I'm now busy reconnecting with friends, using my abundance of energy to finally enjoy my life again, and continuing to get strong and shed weight in a way that fits into my life without taking it over. GO SEE LAUREN. It could be the best thing you've ever done for yourself. I wish I'd gone in ages ago.
– Desiree
At 28, I was overweight, exhausted, and uncomfortable in my own skin.
A colleague suggested going to Nutritional Wisdom, and it was the best advice I have ever received. I currently live in Florida, so I was worried about how the remote sessions would work- but it was so easy! Lauren made me feel so comfortable which allowed me to open up and share everything. She was able to help me understand my body, and what it was trying to tell me. Lauren helped me conquer gut issues, stress, and my constant cravings. I am down to my lowest weight in 5 years and feel great!
Overall, I wanted to develop a healthy lifestyle and understand my body. Lauren knew how to get me to where I wanted to be, and I am so grateful for the time and effort she put into healing me!
– Amy
Working with Lauren has enabled me to completely turn my life around for the better.
When I came across Nutritional Wisdom on Yelp as a student at UT Austin, I had no idea how much of a gem I had discovered. Working with Lauren has enabled me to completely turn my life around for the better. I sincerely looked forward to every appointment with anticipation! As I wrote to her in an e-mail a few years ago:
"You have truly given me the tools to transform my life. I set myself on this mission a few years ago to try to figure out how to help myself, but I feel so grateful that somehow I ended up working with you and Carly. You have inspired and motivated me to not only feel better (and look better, sleep better, eat better, etc.!) but also to become a better person. You're absolutely my favorite personal cheerleader! Reflecting back to a year ago, I can't even put into words how much better my life feels in so many ways. I know that so many people can probably say the same about you and Carly, and I feel so incredibly fortunate that I can be among those people. I hope that I can have the same effect on others that you have had on me."
I walked into the office on my first appointment hoping to find some answers for the physical issues I was noticing but never expected to have such a transformative holistic experience. Lauren worked with me with utmost patience, care, and respect for who I am as an individual, and as a result, I have undergone a massive transformation in mindset, perspective, and even how I view the world around me.
Thank you to the Nutritional Wisdom team for changing lives! I so strongly believe in the great work you do and I am forever grateful for everything.
– Marissa
I couldn't be more grateful to Lauren for her amazing guidance and (no pun intended) wisdom!
I was struggling with my hormones out of wack, eating poorly, zero energy, low self esteem, and an extra 20 pounds. Within the first few weeks, I began to feel like I had control over my life, I lost 10 pounds of actual fat within the first couple months, and my energy was renewed. The best part about Lauren is that she is in it with you through it all. She doesn't judge when things are hard, she never expects anyone to be perfect. She is smart, funny, kind, empathetic, human, and a great listener. If you want to really change your life, not just find a short term solution, go to Nutritional Wisdom, they genuinely care about everyone who walks in their doors. Thank you Lauren!
– Emily
Working with Lauren was the best thing I've done for myself in a few years. After years and years of struggling with my weight (but also being fully aware I was doing very little for it, other than complaining and assuming I'd deal with it later), I finally went to Lauren at Nutritional Wisdom.
I wasn't sure what to expect from the process: I knew there would be a fair amount of watching what you eat, with a healthy dose of doing so mindfully, but I was pretty certain that self-awareness / my lack of self-control would mean that neither of those things would really work for me. (After all, hadn't I been doing that anyways on my own?) Lauren really helped me rethink how I thought about food, mainly by being super patient and also adapting how she coaches based on how I was approaching food at the time. After about a month and a half of food tracking + trying to make better choices (and crying to Lauren weekly that "I'm sorry but I love In n Out, there's no bigger thought past that...I just go on autopilot" and therefore would never be able to stick with this), it finallllyyyyy started to click: I stopped craving junk food less, started making better choices, and feel less on auto-pilot.
Before you write this off with a "Well, duh, anyone can develop a habit if they pay someone for a month to stay on top of them," for me, the magic really happened after the better eating habits clicked. Only THEN was Lauren really able to ingrain things in me in a way that stuck, like the fact that one burger isn't going to derail me. And only then was she able to break me of my belief that if my whole meal wasn't healthy (say...a grilled cheese with my veggies, instead of a chicken breast), I was basically fucked, and then went into a shame spiral. And somehow, in all of this gentleness around how I eat...I started to think the same way too. I stopped feeling so fatalistic about everything. I lost five pounds of fat in just a few months.
More than anything, Lauren got me out of a funk I'd been in for a year and a half. Once I started taking agency in food, but not overfocusing on it either, I noticed myself doing the same in life: I was no longer missing work deadlines, or lazing around most of the day as my own boss. I was going out more (not less!) and the days stopped passing as kind of an amorphous blob, that can happen when you work from home and work for yourself. I honestly didn't expect anything to come of the mindful eating training, especially since I already go to therapy that uses a lot of mindfulness training (and feel a little performative there too), but cannot deny that after months and months of drastically low energy and an inability to want to do more than the bare minimum, my life started firing on all fronts.
Lauren is the best, and I really love working with her. I never felt like supplements were pushed on me (I did get a bunch in the first meeting, though Lauren CLEARLY stated that any that didn't work for me I could bring back and return for a full refund, which I was able to do with zero fuss), nor were other products: in our second meeting, Lauren told me about tests I could take, and the prices, and then explained why she didn't even think we needed to start there. Never seen someone tell me the cost of something in the same breath that they tell me to save my money. I could not recommend her more to anyone, especially people who are sure that a nutritionist isn't for them, or think that there's not much more they can gain from one than a paid babysitter.
– Beejoli
Nutritional Wisdom is exactly what I was looking for. I know how to eat well and that I should workout, I just didn't know why I chose not to do either.
Nutritional Wisdom is much more than a diet they really help you figure out what's going on in your brain and how to rewire how you think about food. Lauren is simply amazing. She is a joy to work with and really knows how to help you! I can't say enough great things about Nutritional Wisdom!!
– Sarah
Running the risk of sounding trite, Nutritional Wisdom changed my life.
I made the decision late 2013 to take my gluten allergy seriously, and came to yelp to get the scoop on a good local nutritionist. The glowing reviews and website made Carly an easy choice early 2014, and it's time I return the favor to all of you. Lost 32 lbs last year, and they are staying off.
If you are anything like me, you know what you SHOULD be eating and SHOULDN'T be eating and may have even lost some weight on a diet before. Carly explains the "WHY" certain foods and habits impact your overall health. My bad eating habits and junk food addictions were measured, explained, resolved - and with a casual, fun, personable, never judgy tone and conversation.
Another reason this worked for me, you can read stats and nutrition details in books, articles, pinterest, etc. all you want - but for me having someone else hold me accountable and measure my progress has seemed to be the most effective way to stay on track.
Kat and the rest of the team have been such a delight to work with and really make you feel welcomed and that your well-being is valued. Sure, they sell supplements and make product recommendations. I have invested in them, but no one says you have to and I never felt pressured to.
You will learn so much every appointment (and weekly newsletter); you will be encouraged to improve; you will get an eating plan that is sustainable and realistic; you will want to be physically and socially active again; you will appreciate her holistic approach because, really, I didn't get sick once last year.
– Nicole
As a developing elite athlete, I thought..."If I'm fit, why change what I'm doing. I can run fast, why should I deprive myself of all the wonderful (somewhat toxic) goodies the world has to offer?"
After meeting with Carly, I was alarmed to find my former lack of concern about my dietary habits challenged by her wealth of information. She was able to provide real reasons as to why changing aspects of my lifestyle would not only benefit my life but, also my athletic performance.
My teammates and I have all been following her guidance and principles for a few months now. I am amazed physiological benefits I have seen across the board.
I feel fortunate to be able to work with someone as intelligent, happy, and passionate about my health.
– Nicole
Carly's bubbly personality makes you want to come back everyday! Wait, did I just say that I want to visit my nutritionist everyday? Hell yes I did!
I learned so much in my initial consultation that I couldn't even believe it. Carly is just bursting with knowledge. I am in the process of a full body cleanse. Eating all natural and cutting out the beers (don't worry it's not a life change!) in order clear out all of the gunk so that I can start fresh!
I've never felt so motivated to be a happier healthy me!
Carly.... you rock.
– Brittany
I started seeing Carly after hearing about her from my boss (a former UT football player) and seeing the results in him.
I had never seen a nutritionist before and wasn't quite sure what to expect. Moving to Austin from NYC, I wasn't convinced I was going to learn something new about myself here in Austin. (Funny I thought that, considering Austin is health-crazed city!) I was skeptical, hesitant, worried, and excited. Little did I know, I had nothing to worry about! Carly and her staff are beyond awesome. They are captivating and instantly relieved any insecurities I felt about the process. I wasn't sure I could afford them, but I knew I wanted what Carly and her team had to offer and I was going to make it work.
Carly's wall is filled with a variety of certificates and degrees that speak to her years and years of expertise. She taught me not only about diets and food, but about lifestyle habits and self-control. I was worried that I was going to dread the process but I was so inspired and felt so good after a few days of following her advice that I changed my habits with much more ease than expected. I was never chubby, i was just never in the 'best shape of my life.' Carly and her team gave me the confidence and tools i need to achieve that in just a short couple of months. Before seeing them, i was already pretty active (going to the gym 3-4 times a week) and eating 'right,' reading about health, foods, etc., but I was inundated with information and not doing what worked specifically for me. I wasn't able to sift through all the information I already knew and see where I needed help. My habits weren't bad, they just weren't optimal for me. I was still always sluggish, tired, struggling to eat the right thing and fighting awful sugar cravings. Learning about my body and what it liked through Carly, I was able to change my habits so that I wasn't mentally fighting what I thought i should do and what I wanted to do. It began to feel natural and became easy. Exercising became fun (!!! I know I still can't believe I say that) and eating what meshes with my body so that it is happy and fit became easier. Carly and her team are so awe inspiring and captivating, it was worth every every penny and in the end I learned so much about myself and health. It was the much-needed link I needed in my life to not only be in the best shape of my life but also the last piece I needed to be very very happy.
– GM
I have been seeing Carly for about a year now, and I am so thankful for her knowledge and wisdom. Even though I felt pretty educated when it comes to nutrition, I have learned a ton over the past 12 months. I
I have gone from 225 pounds to 195, and I have the tools in place to keep it there if I want, or even drop into the 180s (my ultimate goal).
I've tried counting calories before using various apps and online tools. I found that those are somewhat workable if you eat 3 ounces of lean meat, 150 grams of green beans and a glass of water. But if you go out and have a big salad with some chicken mixed in, or you have an eggplant/ground beef casserole, how many calories is that? With Carly, I didn't count one calorie, I'm just more conscious about my eating habits, and how it makes me feel. When I eat better, I feel better. When I eat garbage (and I still do from time to time), I feel worse.
One of the things I really like about Carly is her attitude towards those foods you shouldn't eat, but oh my God they are so delicious. If you want some ice cream, or queso, or a Torchy's breakfast taco, by all means eat it. Just make it something very special and don't do it every day. If I had gone to her and she had said "yeah, well, that alcohol you like, well, no, you can't have any more. Ever. Also no queso," I don't think I ever would have returned. She has a wonderful balance of sound nutritional advice while understanding that we live in a real world. A world with queso, which I am happy to be a part of. I am not on a diet, I just changed the way I eat.
She works with you to minimize (or eliminate) supplements, and I never felt pressured to buy anything from her. If they make me feel better, I keep taking them. If they don't, I don't.
She's certainly busy and in high demand (that's understood), and Kat always calls me with a professional reminder a couple of days prior to my appointment. Nice touch.
Finally, I have to comment on Carly's enthusiasm. This is her life's calling, and it shows. She has a wonderful sense of humor, and her attitude about nutrition and living a whole life is inspiring.
If you want to start living a healthier life, feel better, and learn about nutrition, I strongly recommend going to see Carly.
– JN
Making a decision to see a nutritionist was a big deal to me since it seems Westernized Medicine and our insurance doesn't cover such costs.
I am so glad I made the plunge into changing my lifestyle and with visiting with Carly at Nutritional Wisdom. From moment one I felt that she had the knowledge and resources to help me achieve my goals. Not only with just weight loss, but with emotional outlook, everyday food plans and mental well being! Nutritional Wisdom and the program ends up being a nutritionist and psychologist all in one!
I started with the Wellness Starter Program which is a two visit deal that assesses where you are and gives recommendations, meal plans, reading materials, etc.
Since then I'm continuing my visits every two weeks and I think it is worth every penny! I feel like Nutritional Wisdom has saved my life!
– Cheri
I can recommend Nutritional Wisdom without hesitation!
I have fibromyalgia and the pain was ruling my life. After five months of working with Nutritional Wisdom, I am actually pain-free a large amount of the time. When I do have a flare the pain is nowhere near as severe. I would say 90% of the flairs I have now are because of something I did. I’ve also lost 20 pounds as a bonus. They really listen and tailor-made my plan to fit me and my lifestyle. They Rock! Best thing I’ve ever done for my health.
– Debbie Boatright
Carly rocks my world! I have been working with her for a little over a year. She has helped me navigate through a variety of health issues, weight gain, and life changes.
She helped me figure out some problem foods in addition to teaching me which types of supplements I should be taking and avoiding (something that is really hard to figure out on your own!).
Besides being hilarious and fun, she has such a vast amount of knowledge and is a phenomenal motivator. I love her refreshing no-BS attitude. Carly helps you make concrete goals that are easy to monitor with her body composition machine (it allows you to track things like body fat percentage, lean muscle mass, water weight, etc.--it's really cool).
More than anything, I love her holistic approach. She doesn't look just at your actual food intake, because let's face it, we don't just eat to fuel our bodies. She addresses sleep, stress, metabolism, emotional eating, happiness, and so many other areas that I doubt most traditional nutritionists/dieticians wouldn't touch on. I also learned more about reading food labels and identifying/finding more natural foods. Carly is happy to analyze nutritional labels, so I love that I can bring her things so she can help me figure out whether it's something I should be eating or not.
Whether you want to lose weight, eat better, or have a health issue that you need to find the right diet for, I could not recommend Carly enough. She knows her stuff like you wouldn't believe and is so much fun to work with. I can tell she truly cares about me and my progress. She was a great asset in helping me get to my goal weight for my wedding and will continue to be as I work to maintain my weight and health.
– Emily
Carly is truly amazing at inspiring her clients to live their healthiest life possible. She combines amazing subject matter expertise with passion that delivers real confidence in your food decisions.
With Carly's Wellness starter program, I gained a clear pathway for achieving the goals that always seemed a little out of reach.
In the end, I lost 25 lbs and reached a level of physical fitness I had always dreamed about but had never attained. Thanks Carly, you are the best.
– Steve
For almost my whole life I would routinely get an upset stomach. I never could tell what was the trigger.
As I got older, this problem became more burdensome. Eating out would make me stressed and I was always worried that I would feel ill at a meal. I had seen gastrointerologists who were largely unhelpful. Seeing Carly changed everything. I did the initial cleanse with her and immediately felt so much better. My whole system started to work better. No more pain or discomfort after eating, no more fear of being sick. I no longer eat wheat or dairy, which I know would bum most people out, but I would not go back now knowing that I don't have to worry about getting sick anymore. Carly is super friendly and funny and very knowledgeable. She is great at making you feel comfortable and providing you with the information and tools to make change. I was living in Austin for a few months when I first started seeing Carly, but then moved to a different town. I have continued seeing her over Skype which has also been great!
On the weight loss side, I lost probably 20 lbs in less then six months. The change in my eating habits had immediate effects. Carly also provides excellent information concerning supplements and vitamins, which also has made a big difference.
I would recommend Carly to anyone having stomach problems or weight loss issues. She's the best!
– Caitlin
This may be a bold statement but it's true. Making an appointment with Carly was the best decision I've made in my adult life so far.
After spending the last 8 years working graveyard shift at a stressful, fast paced job, my health suffered tremendously. I thought I was eating healthy and active enough but I wasn't getting any results and I felt terrible all the time. My energy level, sleep, weight...everything suffered. It's been 10 days since I made my appointment with her and this is the healthiest I've felt since I turned 20. She's incredibly insightful and so well educated in her field, she simply has the knowledge to help you make effective changes in your life. I've lost over 5lbs during the first week and a half (25% of my long term goal!) and have energy without caffeine. I can fall asleep easily at midnight, whereas a couple weeks ago, I had to take tylenol PM just to force myself asleep at 4am. She's given me the tools to continue this lifestyle change (not diet!) and with bimonthly 30min sessions, I can continue my nutritional education. Not only do I have the opportunity to learn and be healthy, but she is an absolute DOLL. She cracks me up and is SO easy to talk to. Very supportive and non-judgemental, I feel really comfortable talking to her about personal health issues. I could not recommend her highly enough!!
– Meredith
I worked with Lauren for over a year, and I mean it wholeheartedly when I say that Lauren changed my life.
I came to her with health concerns, feeling frustrated and uncomfortable in my body, completely confused by all the conflicting health advice I was receiving. Lauren was such a good and compassionate listener and made personalized recommendations for me that were easy, realistic, and enjoyable to follow. She's super funny and nice, and whether we were meeting in person, or checking in over the phone, I always left our conversations feeling motivated, encouraged and armed with new tools. This journey went so far beyond nutritional advice. I am leaving this process feeling stronger, healthier, and most importantly at peace with my body. Lauren is amazing and I cannot recommend her more. I honestly think everyone could benefit from her nutritional wisdom.
– Satchie Seidlits
I now have a big picture in mind when I consider my health instead of the narrow focus I had before.
I have a range of short-term and long-term goals that are going to be easy to meet because Nutritional Wisdom has given me a wealth of information, advice, motivation, and inspiration to give myself the same love and care that I give my children.
– Lauri
Nutritional Wisdom is very good at what they do because they truly want to help people be healthy and happy. Their commitment to their clients is evident in the compassion they exhibit while still being a commensurate professional.
– Ana
After trying and failing to change some of my bad habits year after year, regular meetings with Nutritional Wisdom finally gave me the accountability I needed to make lasting changes. I would highly recommend Nutritional Wisdom to anyone looking to improve all aspects of their health and life.