Recipes that are all gluten & dairy free

Nut Milk


Recipe by

  • 1 cup raw nuts, soaked overnight
  • 4 cups filtered water
  • 1 tbsp grade B maple syrup
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 pinch sea salt
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 nut milk bag or cheese cloth
  • Drain and rinse the nuts under cold water.
  • Place the nuts and water in a blender or food processor and process on high for several minutes until the nuts have been broken down.
  • Place the nut milk bag or cheese cloth in a bowl and empty the milk into the bag.
  • Squeeze the milk through the bag into the bowl.
  • Rinse the blender and pour the milk back into the blender and add the sweetener, vanilla, cinnamon and sea salt and blend for one minute.
  • Pour into a glass mason jar and store in the fridge.

Serving Size
1 batch

Recipe Notes

What to do with the leftover pulp? You can reuse it in breads, cookies and muffins by drying it out on a baking sheet on the lowest oven setting for 6 to 7 hours with the door cracked open.

Posted To: Drinks